Saya mengambil banyak masa untuk membaca mengenai bahan-bahan yang banyak digunakan di dalam produk-produk yang terjual di pasaran sekarang.. banyak di antaranya memberikan kesan buruk kepada kita. Saya bukanlah orang yang tak sukakan kepada penyelidikan sains atau perubatan atau teknologi.. takut juga bila orang beranggapan begitu pada saya.. sebab ramai juga rakan-rakan saya lebih pakar dalam bidang-bidang tersebut. Takut disalah anggap.. mana tau kan, ada orang yang tak boleh terima apa yang kita bagitau. Niat saya cuma inginkan saya, keluarga, dan rakan-rakan lebih menjaga kesihatan dari awal, sebelum datangnya penyakit. Mengelak itu lebih baik dari merawat. Bila dah datang sakit, pada waktu itu segala usaha kita akan sanggup lakukan, walau terpaksa keluarkan wang beribu-ribu pun sanggup, janji dapat sembuh semula. Benda ni dah jadi pada saya... huhuhu. Apa saje saya cuba asalkan anak saya dapat sihat seperti sebelumnya. Nasib baik anak saya cuma kena penyakit kulit, bukan kanser, autism atau penyakit-penyakit yang lebih teruk. Alhamdulillah... sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan menguji hambanya di luar kemampuannya. InsyaAllah saya akan terus berdoa semoga saya dan keluarga sentiasa dilindungi dari penyakit-penyakit berbahaya. Memang.. kalau nak mati, mati juga.. tapi saya mahu mati dalam keadaan yang tidak menyusahkan orang atau keluarga.. dan lebih baik lagi jika saya mati dalam keadaan sedang sujud atau dalam tidur.. amin, amin..
Kita sedar atau tak sedar, sememangnya banyak bahan-bahan kimia berbahaya terkandung dalam produk yang kita guna setiap hari. Tak percaya? pergi tengok losyen sekarang juga. Sebagai contoh, saya ambil losyen bayi seperti dalam gambar di bawah. Mari kita kaji bahan-bahannya. Saya akan nyatakan side effectnya kepada kesihatan manusia.
*Sesiapa ingin tukar bahasa, sila klik di bahagian tepi/side bar.. pilih bahasa yang dikehendaki.
Carbomer is a synthetic chemical made specifically for cosmetic use.
Carbomers are a synthetic acrylic polymer that is used in most all popular pain relieving formulas. A synthetic acrylic polymer is nothing more than PLASTIC. Research scientists and leading doctors are concerned about the over use of plastics in our society and the negative side effects to our heath, the environment and the ecology attributed to these plastics.
According to Organic Consumers Association, hair care and beauty products contain fragrances with potentially harmful effects. A glance at product lists on the back of most shampoo or hairspray bottles results in the term "fragrance" listed. The term fragrance on a product ingredient list can translate to up to 200 additional ingredients. Most of these hundreds of additional ingredients come from synthetic materials that can cause dizziness, skin discoloration, rashes, coughing and vomiting. Prolonged exposure to the synthetic fragrances may also lead to damage to the central nervous system resulting in depression and other behavioral ailments.
Can cause breast cancer, skin damage, eye damage, decrease male fertility.
Parabens are esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid. Since propylparaben is used topically in beauty products, it is also often believed to lead to possible allergic skin reactions, particularly for individuals who have especially sensitive skin. Propylparaben has also been linked to dermatitis, which is a skin inflammation disorder that is characterized by rashes and reddened, itchy and swollen skin.
adik beradik paraben.. avoid this ingredient!
BHT stands for butylated hydroxytoluene (similar to BHA, or butylated hydroxanisole), which is an additive used to preserve a food’s color, odor, and flavor. It is commonly used in cereal and processed foods. The same chemical is also used in cosmetics, pharmaceutical drugs, rubber & petroleum products, jet fuels, and embalming fluids.
BHT could produce hyperactivity in children. Can cause liver and kidney damage, behavioral problems, infertility, weakened immune system, birth defects, cancer; should be avoided by infants, young children, pregnant women and those sensitive to aspirin; banned in England. It has also been banned in Romania, Sweden, and Australia.
Sodium Hydroxide
Sodium Hydroxide is considered a moderate hazard ingredient by the Cosmetics Database, which notes concerns regarding cancer, and moderate concerns regarding neurotoxicty, organ system toxicity and irritation. It is classified as "expected to be toxic or harmful" and one or more animal studies show brain and nervous system, metabolic, and sense organ effects at very low doses and there are warnings regarding using this ingredient around the eyes or mouth.
Although Sodium Hydroxide has been linked to cancer, specifically of the esophagus, the CDC found that these cases were after 15 - 40 years of exposure, and were caused by corrosion induced by Sodium Hydroxide and "were most likely the result of tissue destruction and scar formation rather than a direct carcinogenic action of sodium hydroxide itself."
Sodium Hydroxide is, however, a known irritant. Studies by the National Institute for Occupation Safety and Health found that this ingredient causes "Irritation eyes, skin, mucous membrane; pneumonitis; eye, skin burns; temporary loss of hair" and recommends that consumers prevent skin and eye contact. The CDC reports that "Skin contact with sodium hydroxide can cause severe burns with deep ulcerations. Pain and irritation are evident within 3 minutes, but contact with dilute solutions may not cause symptoms for several hours. Contact with the eye may produce pain and irritation, and in severe cases, clouding of the eye and blindness." Solutions as weak as .12% have shown to destruct healthy skin cells within one hour. Other studies acknowledge Sodium Hydroxide as a strong irritant that is corrosive to the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract, but that the severity of the effects are related directly to concentration and pH levels, as well as the length of exposure and skin type.
Sodium Hydroxide is, however, a known irritant. Studies by the National Institute for Occupation Safety and Health found that this ingredient causes "Irritation eyes, skin, mucous membrane; pneumonitis; eye, skin burns; temporary loss of hair" and recommends that consumers prevent skin and eye contact. The CDC reports that "Skin contact with sodium hydroxide can cause severe burns with deep ulcerations. Pain and irritation are evident within 3 minutes, but contact with dilute solutions may not cause symptoms for several hours. Contact with the eye may produce pain and irritation, and in severe cases, clouding of the eye and blindness." Solutions as weak as .12% have shown to destruct healthy skin cells within one hour. Other studies acknowledge Sodium Hydroxide as a strong irritant that is corrosive to the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract, but that the severity of the effects are related directly to concentration and pH levels, as well as the length of exposure and skin type.
Food Coloring including Red 33
Particular food colorings and additives bring out potential health problems. Artificial food colors have been linked to cancer, due to its use of potential carcinogenic-causing chemicals. Most of the Yellow food dyes like Sunset Yellow and Tartrazine have been said to cause allergies, thyroid issues, nasal congestion, asthma, kidney tumors, indigestion, vomiting, hyperactivity, chromosomal damage and much more.
All food coloring must be avoid! except from fruit or vegetable sources..
Bahan-bahan kimia ini boleh memasuki salur darah melalui kulit, yang akan meyebabkan keracunan kimia. Kesan buruknya amat tidak best, antaranya kita akan mengalami sakit kepala, muntah-muntah, pertambahan berat badan, pening-pening, sakit jantung, sukar bernafas, darah gemuruh, darah tinggi, bisul/ jerawat, ekzema, ruam-ruam dan juga seperti yang dinyatakan di atas.. fuh! saya pun sebenarnya baru tau kesan buruk bahan-bahan ini lebih detail bila menulis entry ini. Tak sangka losyen ini ada di rumah saya, dan dah digunakan hampir habis... grrrr..menggigil.
Untuk mengelakkan kita terdedah kepada risiko-risiko penyakit seperti di atas, bertukarlah kepada produk-produk natural atau semulajadi yang telah banyak dijual di pasaran. Go natural! Going back to basic!
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